
When Does Deer Season Start?

If you wish to pursue hunting as a recreational activity, you should be aware that each species has a specific hunting season. Having this information is critical while going hunting, as is having dependable hunting gear, and if you want more information on the latter, you can find more information here. Continue reading to find out when the deer hunting season begins so that you may make the necessary preparations in advance.

When Is the Proper Hunting Season for Different Types of Deer?

There are several sub-species of deer in each species group. Each one has its own set of qualities as well as its own habitat. See the table below for information on the most common deer species, as well as when the hunting season for each of them begins.


The White-Tailed Deer

This is the most common type of cervid found on the continent of North and South America. They can be found all over North America, including the Arctic. Because of its widespread appeal, this species of deer is the most frequently hunted. If you wish to go hunting for this type of wildlife, you should be aware that a mature male weighs approximately 175 pounds, so you should plan accordingly. Females often weigh less than males, averaging around 100 pounds.

The name of this deer is quite evocative of what it is about. Because their tail is white, they are referred to as white-tailed deer. Brown hair covers the rest of the body’s surface, including the face. The white-tailed deer’s antlers are available in a variety of sizes and styles. The antlers achieve their greatest development potential when the specimen is 4-5 years old, depending on the species. Antlers with 9-10 points are typical for an adult specimen.

Because this is the most common deer species on the continent, the hunting season for this deer is longer and more generous. The season often begins in the second half of August or early September and lasts until the end of February. Identifying feeding and resting sites for whitetails can be challenging, but it is possible to take advantage of the breeding season when the males are preoccupied with chasing does to successfully hunt whitetails.


 The Black-Tailed Deer

This type of deer can be found along the Pacific coast of the United States and in British Columbia, Canada. This creature possesses a black tail, as suggested by its name. In addition, their coat is darker than that of other deer species. The white-tailed deer is smaller than the mule deer. The typical weight of a wolf is approximately 125 pounds.

In California, the blacktail deer shooting season can begin as early as August, depending on where you live. It is the last month of the season in December. The months of October and November are the optimum months to capture them. The black-tailed deer may not be the most straightforward game to catch. It is accustomed to roaming and, when pursued, will flee and necessitate a great deal of chasing. As a result, when hunting for this specimen, you will need to wear appropriate footwear.


The Moose Deer

There are several distinct places and nations where the Moose Deer can be found; Canada, New England, Alaska and other parts of Europe are just a few examples. This is a huge deer with antlers that are palmate in shape. It can weigh up to 1200 pounds at its heaviest. It has a black coat and a short tail, which distinguishes it from other dogs. When compared to other deer species, the hunting season for this deer is shorter, and typically begins in early September.


The Mule Deer

Located in the western portion of North America, the Mule Deer is an endangered species. It is a huge deer with a weight of up to 350 pounds, making it a formidable opponent. Nonetheless, the majority of specimens weigh approximately 250 pounds. The name of this deer comes from the fact that its ears are unusually long. The mule deer shooting season begins in August or September and lasts until the end of the season in November or December.

Why Does the Deer Hunting Season Begin in Fall?

For a variety of reasons, the fall season is the best time to begin deer hunting. To some extent, however, this option is dictated by the life cycle of the species in question. On the other hand, there are a variety of practical considerations that contribute to the beginning of the deer hunting season in the fall.

Let’s start with the most basic. Hunting must be restricted to a specific period of the year in order to allow the species to recuperate and reproduce properly. The practice of deer hunting was widespread before the 1800s, posing significant threats to the species’ growth and survival throughout the year. Furthermore, there was no set restriction on the number of deer specimens that may be shot in a single day.

If you hunt deer during the summer, for example, there is a good chance that you will come across a doe that has recently given birth to a fawn. Even if the fawn is only a few weeks old, it still requires the care of its mother because milk is its primary source of food. The majority of deer calves are born in the spring and summer, typically between the months of May and June.

Because they are still being nursed during this time, the fawns require the care of their mother for at least 10 weeks after birth. Due to the fact that a female specimen would not live without her mother, hunting during these months may result in killing both the female and her offspring in addition to the female.

In order to secure the survival of this species, severe restrictions governing their hunting have to be put in place to protect them. In the beginning, deer hunting restrictions were more permissive than they are now. Hunting was only prohibited for a total of 5 months every year, on average. This was not enough to bring the species back to health.

When I was growing up in the United States, over-hunting was performed on a big scale. As a result, the whitetail deer were in grave risk of extinction. As a result, the hunting season had to be temporarily halted in some states as a result of this. Following that, the laws began to tighten, and hunting was only permitted for a shorter period of time.

When it comes to hunting season, the months of October and November have been identified as the most favorable because the fawns should be able to hunt on their own by that time. With this in mind, even if the mother is killed, the young deer who are already able to feed themselves will be able to survive and help to ensure the continued existence of the species.

Nowadays, the tradition of hunting in the fall and winter has become so ingrained in the public consciousness that most people would never consider doing so during another season. Every seasoned hunter understands that the fall is the finest time to begin deer hunting and adheres to this fundamental guideline that controls this activity in the field.

Furthermore, the fall is a good time because it coincides with the beginning of the cold season in the majority of states. It is well past the summer vacation period, and people are back to their regular jobs, as well as eager to indulge in their long-standing interests. Hunting during the colder months is also more practical, as it can be tough to remain outside for an extended period of time during hot summer days while toting a shotgun or bow.

And finally, the optimal season for harvesting deer and the majority of other game animals is when they are completely matured. You will be able to get the most out of each specimen because you will have plenty of meat to sell or cook as a result.

Another issue to consider in the case of bucks is the fact that they are a type of animal. Early in the year, the antlers of juvenile deer do not reach their full development until fall, typically around the month of October. It will have an impact on the price you can receive for a buck with little antlers if you hunt one with small antlers.

If you are wondering what you can do with a buck’s magnificent antlers, the answer is that there are a variety of options. You can use them as a trophy or sell them to a company that creates bespoke things out of deer antlers and other animal hides.

What Happens If You Don’t Respect the Deer Hunting Season?

The establishment of different hunting seasons at specific periods of the year was necessary in order to sustain animal populations. Overhunting one species results in the extinction of all species since, in the natural, everything is interconnected based on the prey-predator relationship between the two.

The preservation of the hunting season is first and foremost an issue of moral integrity, since it is necessary to safeguard wild specimens and, ultimately, the ecosystem itself. Second, persons who do not follow the law are subject to a variety of legal punishments depending on their actions. People who are caught hunting outside of the season may face a fine, which varies depending on the state’s regulations. In addition, their permit is revoked or suspended.

The length of time that a person is prohibited from hunting after their hunting licence has been suspended is determined by the severity of the circumstance. In some circumstances, the revocation is only valid for a specific period of time. Depending on the state, it could be several years before that individual is permitted to hunt again.

Finally, breaching the laws of the hunting season is not fair to other hunters who are participating in the hunt. Once the season gets underway, everyone should have the same opportunity to catch a game as everyone else. If one or more hunters begin hunting sooner than the rest of the hunters, they will take more than their fair share of the game and will destroy some of the game that the rest of the hunters were entitled to.

Aside from selling the meat of a deer, there are a variety of other ways to profit from deer hunting. However, in order to ensure that killing this priceless animal was a worthwhile endeavor, you should only hunt within the approved season, when the animal is mature and the law permits hunting of that species.