
What Time Is Best For Fishing For Bass?

When do you like to go fishing best? Some people prefer summertime when the weather is sweet, and everyone embarks on trips and adventures, while others like spring when nature is starting to become lively again. If you are among those people who prefer fishing for bass, you may be wondering when the bass fishing times of year are. Everything about this topic will be addressed in this particular article.




One great thing about bass

Bass fishing is common among anglers, if for no other reason, than at least because it can be easy to catch, regardless of the season. Some species are quite difficult to catch in winter, for instance, but bass is not among them. While this is true, you may still want to know about the best season for catching some bass.


Late spring and early summer are preferred for bass to spawn. The water may have a temperature of about 55-65 degrees Fahrenheit, which is ideal for the new fish to spawn and thrive. Bass knows such aspects very well, and that is why this time of the year is preferred to others by many anglers.


The warm waters entice the fish to leave behind the places where they hid during the winter. The fish will begin the spawn time frenzy by starting to look for areas where they can lay their eggs and nurture their young. Shallow waters are ideal from this point of view. Because the bass swims closer to the surface, you will find this species an easier catch.


Spring is, we can say, the ideal season for catching bass, but not the only one. It all depends on when the water temperature reaches the necessary values so that it can offer the conditions needed for breeding and spawning. In countries from the Northern hemisphere, where the bass are aplenty, this can happen between the end of April up till June.


However, if you plan a fishing trip in the Southern hemisphere, you should hurry because here the water gets warmer faster. Go there in March or April, if you want to catch plenty of bass during the spawning time.


There is some summertime bass fishing, but spring still reigns supreme when it comes to evaluating your chances of catching bass. Are you more interested in fishing for bass during the cold season? That is doable, but you must bear in mind that bass is less likely to overexert itself, even for the enticing prospect of food. That means that it will bite less, and you will have to arm yourself with patience.




Where are the locations preferred by bass?

Now that you have an idea about the season which is best fitted for bass fishing let’s pay a little attention to the type of habitat this fish prefers. This cautious species has a propensity for dark areas because this is where it feels well-guarded against any danger. That means that the most indicated bass fishing time of day is influenced by these habits.


Since they are so cautious, bass will swim away from their usual places only very early in the morning, and late in the evening. Some anglers swear by their bass fishing nighttime adventures, but it is not a good idea to base your next fishing trips only on isolated experiences. As long as you don’t mind getting up early to go swimming for bass, you should be fine.


Here are some other things you may like to learn about the preferred habitat of the bass. Outside of their breeding season, this fish is not known for swimming in shallow waters. That means that you need to go after the fish, in its natural habitat, and entice it to get out, with the promise of some tasty treats.


You will not be very successful if you pick to start fishing when the sun is up in the sky. Of course, this does not mean that you will not be able to catch anything. But, if you want to maximize your chances, go for darker areas where it is more likely for bass to hide.


Now that you know what hours of the day are the most indicated for bass fishing, it is the right time to get acquainted with the type of equipment seasoned anglers use when they go fishing for bass. This advice will help you catch more fish.






The proper equipment for catching bass

A good idea would be to start with a good kit. Depending on what type of lures you intend to use, your choices for rod and reel, as well as line, will be influenced. A medium size rod with medium action reel and 10-pound monofilament for your choice of the line are quite excellent choices. While these things do not seem to trigger a lot of debate in anglers in regards to what works and what doesn’t when it comes to bass fishing, the topic of lures is much more arduous and passionate.


There are three lure types you can use for bass: Crankbaits, spinnerbaits, and synthetic worms. Other aspects that come into play are size and color, and here you will have plenty to choose if you want to delve into the world of bass fishing.


Let’s talk about each type of lures in particular and see how they can serve you. Crankbaits are a preferred lure choice for anglers who want to be able to cover plenty of water. As you may well know by now, bass thrives in deep water, and that is where you will find them. A crankbait is the ideal way to make the fish get out of their hiding places.


When it hits the water surface, a crankbait creates a bit of a ruckus and the predatory instincts in the bass will be motivated to kick in. The bass will think their prey is getting away, so they will hurry after it. If you use this piece of advice with the recommendations on the best bass fishing time, you will be able to land some sizeable trophy specimens.


If you use crankbaits, your choice for a rod should be a 6.5-foot model. You will find it easy to cast your line from flat areas on the shore if your choice for lures is a crankbait.


The next in line is a spinnerbait. Learning what this type of lure can do will help you catch more bass. These lures do not require any special preparations, as they are highly efficient in all weather conditions. It doesn’t matter whether you want to fish for bass in summer, spring or winter. Make sure you have plenty of these in your tackle box.


You can recognize spinnerbaits, by their specific shape. Because they look like safety pins, these lures can easily swim through water and can draw the attention of the bass lurking in darker areas with maximum efficiency. You don’t have to worry too much about losing your lures when you cast your line in muddy waters, and even in areas that are densely populated with weeds. The fish will come out of hiding, bent on catching the prey.


The last type of lures to talk about is plastic worms. These lures cost very little, and they are a fixture in any tackle box. Like spinnerbaits, they are not pretentious when it comes to what season and weather should be the most appropriate for use. The design that, just as the name indicates, resembles the shape of a real worm, is quite appealing for bass.


If there is one thing that must be mentioned without being favorable to synthetic worms is that they are mostly used when fishing in clear waters. You are, therefore, limited, in what you can do with them, but seeing that bass usually bite when you use them, you should never forget to have a few with you.




Don’t forget about other gear

If you want to make the best out of your fishing experience, you should add a few things to your must-have list. For instance, it doesn’t hurt to have some sunblock and a pair of fishing gloves, since you will spend quite some time out in the open, fishing for bass.


Also, a knife for cutting the line, a multi-tool for various small tasks, and a well-organized tackle box should be on your list, as well. You may also make good use of a stringer, to keep the fish fresh while you continue to fish.


You may also find it a good idea to bring some sharpening stone with you, as well. It is nothing unusual when struggling to bring such a strong fish out of the water, to have your hooks becoming dull and ineffective. This is where a good tool for sharpening your hooks can come in handy.




The bottom line

Bass fishing is a quite common and gratifying activity. However, it is much more enjoyable when you manage to catch something. The role of the above guide is to help you maximize your chances of catching bass.


Make sure that you go on any fishing trip well prepared. Equip yourself and your tackle box with all the necessary items for a successful adventure. Bass may not be very stubborn or particularly challenging fish to catch, but still, they can present certain quirks that it is best for you to know about.


Pick the right time of the year and even the right time of the day to go fishing for bass. If you want to go back home with plenty of stories to tell, but also plenty of fish, this should be the advice to follow.