
The Different Types of Fishing

If you ran out of topics on your last fishing excursion and ended up debating for hours about one of the best guitar players in the world, we will lend you a helping hand. We will make an effort to give you with a more engaging topic as we discuss some of the most commonly used methods of fishing. Knowing about different types of fishing, such as spearfishing, angling, and even unusual ways such as kite fishing, will help you wow your fishing companions.





We are aware that the vast majority of people are aware of this fishing strategy. Angling is defined by the use of a hook (also known as an angle), which is attached to the end of the fishing line and allows the fish to be caught. In general, the hook was baited with appropriate bait, which differed from village to village based on what they intended to fish for and what bait was readily accessible at the time of the fishing trip.

However, what is most astonishing about this fishing technique is how long it has been in use by people throughout history. Fishermen have been used fishing hooks since the Neolithic epoch, according to historical records.


Early fishing hooks

On the Japanese island of Okinawa, archaeologists uncovered some of the world’s oldest hooks. Scientists believe the hooks are at than 22,000 years old, according to their estimates. The design of early hooks was somewhat different from that of the hooks we use now, as you might anticipate. Shells, animal horns, bone fragments, and small bird beaks were all used to make those early hooks, which were also used to catch fish.

Because fishing was less difficult and risky than hunting animals, our forefathers worked hard to improve the fishing equipment they used. They began to add weights (sinkers) to the water in order to immerse the fishing hooks in the water. As early as 800 BC, the ancient Greeks took fishing to a whole new level by studying the migration patterns of Tuna and other fish species, among other things.

When it comes to angling, there are two primary methods to choose from: line fishing and rod angling. The first entails lowering a fishing line into the water from a higher elevation, such as a cliff or a bridge, and retrieving it afterwards.

The rod angling method is using a fishing line with a hook that is tied to a fishing rod to engage in fishing. More than 4,000 years ago, humans were making fishing rods out of bamboo, which was harvested from the forest.


Ice fishing

This type of fishing has traditionally been conducted in the colder northern hemisphere countries and regions. Ice fishing is similar to ordinary fishing in that it can be done using both angling and spearfishing techniques. The Inuits are credited with inventing some of the most spectacular fishing techniques and equipment in history.

So they built an unusual pronged spear known as a ‘kakivak’ in order to spear fish through the ice and into the open water. With a strong core prong and two smaller side arms that were more flexible, this one-of-a-kind spear was extremely effective. Each arm was equipped with a blade that was angled inward to prevent the fish from escaping after it had been speared.

Russian, Latvian, Canadian, and United States ice fishing cultures have all survived the passage of time, even though the equipment and technique have undergone a few adjustments. There are ice fishing tournaments held in many of these countries, which attract a huge number of fisherman.



There is little doubt that the Inuits were exceptional fishers, as evidenced by their ability to capture fish even when the waterways were not frozen. They used stone weirs as part of their fishing strategy, which was quite effective. The weirs were constructed by stacking stones in a crescent shape on the riverbed by the Inuits.

They built a wall of stones up to a particular height, leaving only a little opening for the fish to swim into at the bottom. As soon as the fish entered the narrow tunnel, the fisherman would strike it with their kakivaks, causing the fish to die.

In medieval Europe, the stone weirs method was commonly used to construct dams. For example, in England, because of the stone weirs, some rivers have become impassable due to flooding. Construction of stone weirs in all freshwater ecosystems was eventually prohibited by the Magna Carta Libertatum, which is considered to be the first legal document in the world.

Although not all fishermen used stone to construct their weirs, a significant number did. Some African tribes used to construct wooden dams since it was less difficult and required less time than other methods. Water levels would decrease dramatically as a result of the wooden dams, allowing the fisherman to gather the fish using only their bare hands.





Netting has a long history as a fishing technique, dating back thousands of years when people first began catching fish with nets. Because the nets employed were vast mashes made of small threads, fisherman were able to catch many more fish than they had previously been able to.

Casting nets and gillnets are the two most common types of nets used in net fishing. The nets used in the casting nets method have a mash with a little opening on the upper portion of the net. They were typically utilized in shallow water, when the mashes would be cast onto a school of swimming fish by the fishermen.

Fishing with gillnets is a strategy in which fishermen set up their nets in areas where they know fish would swim through. Corks would be linked to the corners of the net to give it buoyancy, and a set of weights would be tied to the middle of the mash to spread it out.

Because the gills of the fish would become entangled in the nets, fisherman had no choice but to just gather the fish. Netting has evolved into a significant problem in recent years. It does not appear that the future of marine life will be bright because there are no clear standards governing commercial netting practices.


Kite fishing

Even some of the most experienced anglers may be unfamiliar with this method of catching a fish. Despite the fact that it appears strange, kite fishing has a long and thriving history. This one-of-a-kind technique was invented in the Polynesian islands, when fisherman required a way to bypass the dangerous coral reefs that surrounded their fishing grounds.

These resourceful fishermen devised effective fishing equipment out of nothing more than the resources available to them. The kites would keep the bait near to the surface of the water, luring a great number of fish to the bait. Using banana leaves and fishing lines constructed from braided spiderwebs, the children created modest kites to fly about their homes and communities.

People began to utilize better materials, such as fern leaves, for the kites as time went on, and baited nooses were used for the fishing lines, which allowed the kites to become better with time. Today’s fishing kites are unquestionably superior because they are constructed of contemporary materials that allow anglers to reel in large fish such as Sailfish or even Tuna.



In fact, evidence suggests that individuals in France and India were spearfishing more than 16,000 years ago, indicating that the sport has been around a long time. Furthermore, the Native American tribe Hupa has been employing this way of catching fish for more than a millennium to catch fish. Because it is mentioned in several myths and holy writings, it is possible that this is one of the most prevalent methods of fishing.





As the bow and arrow gained in popularity, several tribes began to employ it as a fishing gear as well. Tribes such as the Negritos, who live in the Philippines today, are well-known for their ability to bowfish in shallow water. When they used to fish in shallow, clear waterways, they nevertheless need a great level of fishing skill to do so successfully. In order to account for the way light refracts when it meets water, the procedure of aiming is slightly different.


Hand gathering

It is not always necessary to have expensive fishing equipment in order to bring home a large number of large fish. There are a few old-fashioned methods of obtaining fish and seafood that require nothing more than your hands. As a result of modern conservation concerns, some of these techniques have been made illegal in some areas.

Catfish noodling

Not everyone is a fan of this fishing approach, and the majority of the fisherman have never used it before either. In order to catch Catfish, the fisherman must place one of his hands inside a Catfish hole and remain in this posture until the fish bites the hand.

Despite the dangers involved, this method of fishing is still popular in the American South. Because it has the potential to create harmful conditions for both humans and fish, most states in the United States have prohibited this practice.


Trout tickling

Perhaps the strangest fishing method you will ever come across is the one described here. While trout tickling may seem unusual, it was described in ancient Greek poetry, and Shakespeare himself had something to say about it.

It is necessary to tickle the Trout’s underbelly until it slips into a state of paralysis in order to catch the fish and release it. The time to try this unconventional method of fishing may have passed by the time you are considering it. Trout tickling is currently prohibited in the majority of countries.



When you look at these traditional fishing tactics, you can see how diverse they are from one another. One thing they all have in common is that they are all from the same town. Our appreciation for the simplicity and effectiveness of each of these strategies is unwavering. So the next time you go on a fishing excursion, keep in mind that it is possible that your equipment is to blame for your failure to catch any fish.