
How to Reload Ammo. Short Guide

So you’ve prepared your best hunting flashlight and are ready to embark on your first hunting expedition. But haven’t you forgotten something, haven’t you? To be precise, you’ll need to understand how to reload the ammunition. It is not the most difficult thing in the world, but you may find it challenging at first until you become accustomed to the whole process and become comfortable with it. Here’s a quick guide on how to go about it.

Why should you reload your own ammo?

There are numerous economic benefits to reloading your own ammunition. For example, given that the brass casing is by far the most expensive component of the entire assembly, if you opt to reload the ammo yourself, you will be able to reuse it dozens of times, eliminating the need to purchase new brass each time.

This also means that you may rely on your own supply of ammo rather than having to visit the gun shop in town every time you need to reload your firearm. Reloading also allows you to create bespoke rounds for any and all of the firearms you own, and it’s a generally enjoyable process! Taking all of these factors into mind, there is no reason for you not to do it yourself going forward!


How do you reload your ammo?

Now that we’ve seen some of the benefits of reloading your own ammunition, let’s have a look at how you can go about doing so. Despite the fact that this short instruction contains multiple steps, depending on the caliber of your pistol, you may only need to follow a few of them. Check the reloading instructions provided by the manufacturer to be certain of your success.


The cartridge

Other shooters will ask for additional bullets while you are out on the range, and you will hear them. You shouldn’t be too eager to ask for counsel from them if they are not aware that they are really asking to receive only a portion of what they actually require. If you’re not sure what we’re talking about, allow us to explain.

Essentially, a cartridge is the object that is loaded into a gun’s chamber, whereas a bullet is the object that is fired from the weapon’s muzzle. This indicates that bullets make up only a portion of the whole cartridge volume, not the entire volume. Cartridges are used in the firing of rifles and handguns, as well as other firearms. Cartridges are available in two different types: rimfire cartridges and centerfire cartridges.

The name of the first one originates from the fact that the primer is located within the rim of the bottle. It is not possible to reload these cartridges. The ammunition for the is the type of ammunition that you will most likely require. The 22 long rifle is by far the most popular choice among gun owners and users, with the vast majority of them preferring it.

However, the centerfire cartridge is the more popular of the two types of cartridges in terms of total popularity. The primer is located in the center of the ammo, hence the name. This is the type of cartridge that can be reloaded, if you know what I mean.

The cartridge will be made up of four parts, no matter which type of cartridge you use: the case, the primer (which causes the explosion and ignites the powder), the powder (which is responsible for causing the bullet to fly out of the muzzle), and the bullet itself (which is responsible for hitting the target – at least, hopefully). Reloading makes use of each and every component.


The case

You should begin by visually scrutinizing the cases and looking for anything that appears to be amiss with them, such as cracks or dents, before proceeding. It is not recommended that you use these items if you come across them since they may cause problems with the pressure in the chamber of the rifle you are currently using. Inquire about and only employ scenarios that do not offer such difficulties.

The next step is to thoroughly clean the casings, removing all of the debris and buffing them until they are glossy. This can be accomplished with the help of a case tumbler, which is a simple way to employ. When you go back home, all you have to do is put the casings into the tumbler.

Another popular alternative is the traditional rice and ground-up walnut shells combo, which has been around for decades. Add a little of polish to this mixture and allow the whole thing to tumble for a couple of moments before putting it away. Because it is a noisy operation that has the potential to cause contamination, it is preferable to carry it out in a more isolated location such as the garage.

The chemical variant is also popular because it requires only that you collect the casings in a mesh bag and then place it in a chemical case cleaner to clean it. Allow them to soak for a bit. Finally, rinse them with hot water and allow them to dry naturally to complete the procedure. You will have the cleanest casings in your region if you use this technique!!

Hand cleaning is another alternative that you may employ, and it has the advantage of allowing you to inspect the case for the cracks we mentioned while you are cleaning it, which is quite convenient.

Following the cleaning, the casings will need to be resized, so make every effort to match the original size as closely as possible. This will require the employment of both a size die and a loading press at the same time in order to be successful. The case will need to be trimmed if it is too long once it has been resized, which will require the use of a trimmer.

Following completion of this step, you have completed the final stage of preparation. Begin by deburring the case’s mouth and flash hole, but don’t forget to chamfer the case’s neck as well. This will make it easier for the bullet to be seated later in the process of reloading.

The priming step

After you have finished prepping the case, you can finally seat the primer in the case. Pay close attention to ensure that the primer does not become contaminated with any of the many types of liquids or oils. You may choose to employ an automatic priming system (if one is available) or the standard priming tools that are required.

This step is performed so that you can be certain that the primer has been inserted at the proper depth, which means that it must be flush with the case head.


Add the gunpowder

In the event that you are reloading ammunition on your own, this is arguably the most critical step to remember. Checking with a manual that every gun owner should have on hand – the Lyman Reloading Manual is one of the most popular, so you can rely on it – can ensure that you’ve loaded the proper amount of ammunition.

When it comes to dropping the powder into the ready and primed case, you have more than one option, and you can choose the one that best suits your shooting style. They all have different advantages that will be more essential to some people than others, which is why it is crucial to choose the version that is most appropriate for you out of the available options.


The seating of the bullets

You’re so close to finishing that you won’t believe it when you see it! As the final and simplest phase, you will complete it in the blink of an eye if you follow the instructions carefully. It is only necessary to add a bullet and then press it into the case for this step. You may require a little more strength to accomplish this, but with practice, you will become proficient.

You most likely have a die set in your possession. You must remove the seating die from it and check to see that the bullet you just inserted is found at the normal and proper depth before proceeding. You don’t want the bullet to hop around inside the cartridge, do you? Is that clear?

If you are in any doubt, you can (and should) consult the reloading guide to see which specifications are appropriate for the cartridge you are using. That’s all there is to it! That first reloaded pistol cartridge that you made for yourself. Wasn’t it a tremendous amount of fun?

As previously stated, reloading is not a difficult task in the least. Even though it may appear to be difficult at first, once you get the hang of it, reloading the ammunition will become second nature to you. You’ll be able to do the task in the blink of an eye from now on.

You should take your time, have all of your gear ready, and become an expert in the art of reloading ammo so that you can start saving time and money right away and no longer require the assistance of others.