
Freshwater Species You Can Catch in Early Spring

When it comes to anglers who don’t enjoy ice fishing, spring is the best time of year because they can once again pack up their gear and head to their favorite fishing spots in the warm weather. Although summer is undoubtedly everyone’s favorite season, you do not have to wait until the end of the year for that pleasure to come again. Veteran fishermen are well aware that the early spring fishing season offers excellent opportunities to catch big fish.


Simple tips to follow when fishing at the beginning of spring

Take a look at a few things you should be aware of as an angler before we get into what kinds of freshwater species you can expect to find during this season. You should bring a large amount of live bait with you, to start off with. A new generation of freshwater fish is just beginning to make their way around, and they are starving for nutritious food sources. When presented with tasty treats, the fish can even become overindulgent, and you should take advantage of this simple fact.

Another great tip that you should follow is to concentrate your fishing efforts in the afternoons. Early in the morning is not a particularly good time to go fishing because it is too cold for fish to venture out on the hunt for food in the early morning. Their favorite time to feed is in the afternoons, when the weather begins to warm up and the water temperature begins to rise, creating the ideal feeding conditions.

Concentrate on the details and move slowly. During the winter months, fish can be a bit sluggish, and as a result, they are not particularly interested in larger prey. Another consideration is that it can be quite slow, so you must match its speed. It’s important to retrieve the fish at a slow enough pace to ensure that you catch it.



Freshwater species that are easy to catch in early spring

Catfish is an eager eater

For catfishing, you cannot go wrong if you plan on going out in the early spring months of March and April. As a scavenger, catfish is best described as such because it feeds on all of the dead animal tissue that has accumulated at the bottom of the body of water where it is found to live. With its voracious appetite, this fish acts as a sanitization machine, cleaning the water and purifying it. In this type of behavior, anglers have a distinct advantage over other hunters and gatherers. Catfish are voracious feeders who will consume anything and everything that comes their way, including your bait.


Walleye travels to shallow waters

The walleye is another fish that can be caught quickly in the early spring. Upon awakening from the long winter, this fish’s only thought is to migrate towards spawning grounds in search of food. That is, it migrates from the depths of the bodies of water where it spent the winter to shallow waters where it can feed and spawn because the water is warmer and provides a better environment for them. Focus your attention on creeks and tributaries, as this is where you will have the best chance of catching walleye with the least amount of work.


Northern Pike is spooky in spring

If you go after this species in early spring, you will not notice any significant differences compared to if you go after it in the summer. With one minor exception, the same baiting methods can be used. As a result, it is recommended that you reduce the size of your spinnerbaits and spoons because the clearer waters will make your bait more visible. Because it prefers to spend more time at the surface of the water, the Northern Pike can quickly become wary of your presence. Approach with caution if you want to avoid being stung.


Trout requires a different baiting method

If the thought of catching trout conjures up images of clear mountain streams on brisk summer mornings in the mountains, you should rethink your early spring strategy. You will have difficulty spotting the trout because of the runoff, which makes the water muddy and reduces visibility. But this does not rule out the possibility of catching trout in the future. Just switch from surface flies to sinking flies and your strategy will be updated. Because the latter will resemble small worms and baitfish, it will immediately pique the interest of trout, who will go after it immediately.