
Fishing Regulations in Georgia

If you intend to go fishing in Georgia in the near future, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations that govern this type of outdoor activity in this state. You must be aware of the procedures for obtaining fishing licenses as well as the activities that are prohibited while on the waters of this state. The Georgia Wildlife Resources Division is in charge of enforcing fishing regulations and issuing fishing licenses.

You can purchase a Georgia fishing license online at or, both of which are very user-friendly. In addition, you can obtain it in person from a variety of dealers located throughout the state, including regional offices, state parks, marinas, major retailers, and hardware stores, or by phone from a variety of dealers. Always keep in mind that your Social Security Number is required in order to purchase all fishing licenses in the state of Georgia.


Anglers over the age of 16 who want to fish in Georgia’s freshwater or saltwater must have a fishing license issued by the state of Georgia. Furthermore, saltwater areas necessitate the installation of an additional SIP. You can obtain a temporary authorization number over the phone or through the internet, which you can use for up to seven days until the paper copy is received or printed. During the course of checking fishing licenses, Conservation Rangers may request an identification photo from the anglers in certain circumstances.

If you want to fish in private ponds where you have permission from the owner or if you actually own the pond, you do not need to purchase a fishing permit.

During Georgia’s Free Fishing Days, which will be held on June 3, June 10, and September 23, you will not be required to purchase a fishing or trout license if you are a resident of the state of Georgia. If you plan on visiting private lakes, you will be required to pay the associated fees.

If you live in the state of Georgia, you can purchase a one-year license for $10, or $50 if you live somewhere else in the country. One good deal is to obtain a Lifetime Sportsman’s License, which is available to both residents and nonresidents of Georgia of all ages, and which is available to both men and women. Simply complete and submit your application online at to be considered for the program.

In order to engage in safe and legal fishing in Georgia, you must first become familiar with some of the laws and regulations that apply in this state:


  • While fishing in this state, you may come across a variety of rare and protected species that are either in the water or nearby. You should be aware that Georgia’s protected species list includes 57 fish, eight salamanders, one frog, 28 snails and mussels, 20 crayfish, and 13 turtles, among other things. Capturing, killing, or causing harm to any protected species is strictly prohibited. If you happen to accidentally catch a protected species, make sure to release it as soon as possible.
  • You must adhere to certain freshwater game species limits per day if you want to catch freshwater game. For example, it is illegal to accept more than 50 people from the list provided by the Georgian authorities in a single day, according to Georgian law.
  • Despite the fact that there are no restrictions on the number of poles or lines that can be used for fishing, if you want to catch trout, you can only use one pole in public fishing areas if you want to catch them.
  • The use of live bait for game fish is permitted if the fish are caught legally and do not exceed the daily possession limit.


Other angling regulations that you should be aware of are as follows:


  • In the state of Alabama, it is illegal to possess or fish with live blueback herring bait in any of its waters.
  • If you take any fish from a public freshwater body other than through the methods specified in the regulations documents, you will be subject to prosecution.
  • It is not possible to catch game fish or any other species by hand.

If you do not follow these rules and regulations, your fishing license may be suspended, and you may also be subject to penalties and fines if you are caught.