
How to tie a crankbait – Just for Fishing

Being a proficient angler necessitates a variety of characteristics, but being able to knot a crankbait correctly would rank among the most important.

We understand that it can be tough to obtain this information if you don’t have many friends who share your interests and could educate you how things work, which is why we’ve put up this guide to assist you in achieving success.

The following articles on our websites are recommended if you are interested in fishing in general and wish to learn as much as possible about the subject. These articles include those about good fly fishing rods and those about good baitcasting rods, among other things.

How they work

Crankbaits receive their name from their capacity to float when they’re tossed into the water, which is necessary for them to be effective because the crank needs to be spun. It will begin to attract fish as soon as the crank is turned on since it will generate action to the bait.

In most cases, a split ring is affixed to the top of the bait (known as the diving lip), and it is to this split ring that you must connect your lure if you want to proceed successfully with your fishing. Instead, you can find a small hole in the ground through which you must thread your line.

As a result of their superior effectiveness compared to other lures, crankbaits are typically the preferred choice of more experienced fisherman. Everything from the shape of the lip to whether or not they rattle, the pace at which they are retrieved, and whether or not they have a wide or narrow wobble must be taken into consideration.


The use of crankbaits may be the preferred method of choice for anglers who are searching for a different approach that will allow them to explore different depth zones and cover huge sections of water fast.

They are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, but their distinguishing characteristic is the lure bill. Because of this, they can be classified as shallow, medium, or deep-diving plugs.

Cranking baits with square bills may be the ideal option if you’re looking to catch fish in shallow water. A one-inch statement will work well for medium depth, which is approximately 10 feet, while anything less than 0 feet will raise the possibility of lengthier bills to demonstrate their effectiveness.

Tying them directly

Using a snap swivel to rig a crankbait can cause the bait to swim in an unusual manner. If you discover that this is the case, you may find it easier to knot the crankbaits directly to the hook. To increase your chances of succeeding, tie a non-slip loop knot around your wrist.

You can find numerous tutorials with clear illustrations on how to tie this style of knot, and it should be sufficient to simply go over the directions once or twice to ensure that you’ve done it correctly.

The non-slip loop is, as its name implies, extremely effective, but it may necessitate the development of certain talents, which you will undoubtedly acquire through time.

For some who find this to be too hard, there are several simpler versions that have been designed for less experienced fisherman, such as the one described below.

The clinch knot

Another potential option would be to tie the lure through the ring with a clinch knot, which is a fishing technique that has proven to be productive in the recent past. You wrap the bait around itself a few times to ensure that it remains in position, and you tie a knot afterward to improve the likelihood that it will not succumb to the lure.

As previously stated, there are numerous manuals available that provide clear directions, and you should have no difficulty following along once you’ve seen a few examples of the procedure in action.

The lipless crankbait

If you manage to come across a lipless crankbait, there is no reason to be concerned. The premise is nearly identical, with the only change being that the split ring is no longer located on the diving lip, but is instead located directly at the top of the bait instead of on the bottom.

In order to attach your lure to the split ring, you must use the identical procedures you would use to attach a regular crankbait with a diving lip to the split ring.

We’ve talked before that lipless crankbaits are most effective when utilized in shallow water, and that their success rate decreases as the depth of the water decreases.