
Dangerous Fish Of The Amazon

More than 2,000 different fish species can be found in the Amazon, making it a haven for aquatic life. For those who wish to learn more about the diverse species that call this vast region their home, it is a haven for those who wish to explore the fauna of this vast region.

Obviously, not all species of fish in the Amazon River Basin are friendly, and this is especially true for the piranhas. Because the rainforests are uncontaminated, the animals that live there are also uncontaminated. Because of this, we will present you with five of the most dangerous fish that can be found in the waters of the Amazon in the following paragraphs.

Prepare yourself, because some of the species of fish listed below are more than just potentially hazardous.


While the name of this species may be endearing to some, those who come into contact with a specimen of this species will be rewarded with a spectacular sight, and in some cases, considerable discomfort. Pacu is a much larger species of fish that is related to the piranha. Among their most frightening characteristics are their human-like teeth, which can bite through anything from fruits and nuts to a man’s most prized possessions, making them extremely dangerous.

If you plan on diving in the Amazon River, you should consider wearing a pair of fishing pants that are thick enough to keep fish from biting you. However, diving in the Amazon is not recommended. However, if you happen to be in European waters, be on the lookout for this species of fish, which has begun to spread out of the Amazon and into some parts of Europe.



Arapaima, also known as paiche or pirarucu, is a massive fish that can grow to nine feet in length and weigh up to 200 pounds. In order to lift this thing off the ground, you’d need to be a serious bodybuilder. However, you might want to reconsider your choice.

First and foremost, because Arapaima is a carnivorous fish that is not afraid of the dreaded piranha, which is one of the reasons why some Arapaima can be found peacefully coexisting with the latter species in waters where the latter is found. An Arapaima is born with the standard set of teeth that a fish is born with, but we aren’t finished with them yet.

Furthermore, the fact that they have teeth on both sides of their tongue contributes to the effectiveness of their predatory abilities. As a result, it is strongly advised that you avoid any contact with the Arapaima. The most straightforward method of identifying one is to maintain complete focus on your ears and listen for a coughing sound that is specific to this species. For this reason, they frequently come to the surface and make the coughing sound we mentioned earlier as soon as they come out of the water. They do this because they must take in oxygen through their gills.


Payara – the vampire fish

A vampire’s teeth are usually extremely sharp and fairly long, which allows them to suck blood from their prey while remaining undetected. This species of fish, on the other hand, is capable of defeating any vampire on the planet. Why? This is due to the fact that Payara have two long tusks that can grow up to six inches in length. These tusks, which grow from the lower jaw of the fish, are enormous even for the fish itself.

Even if a Payara can grow to be four feet in length, his mouth will still be unable to conceal the tusks that we mentioned earlier in this article. In order to avoid impaling themselves while taking a break from consuming piranhas, they have two holes strategically placed on their upper jaw.

Bringing your fishing gear and hoping to catch a Payara is certainly an option. However, getting too close to the creature and getting a good look at it is not. It is preferable if they remain in their natural habitats and are not disturbed.

After all, they are known as the vampire fish, and since we are terrified of vampires, which are fictitious, there is no doubt that we will flee or swim away if we come across a Payara in the water.


For the most part, this species is much smaller than the other species on this list, which contrasts with the other species on this list that are larger. Is there anything to be afraid of? As a man who enjoys dipping his toes in water, you should be particularly wary of these.

They are freshwater catfish, but they are also parasitic on other fish. This means that they will feed off of anyone or anything to which they are able to attach themselves in some way. Because of the spines that can be found on their back, it is possible to attach to them. They usually make themselves comfortable by attaching themselves to the victim’s gills, after which they proceed to feed on the blood of the victim.

The reason why we said you should be afraid of such a fish is because there have been reports of Candiru sneaking up the urethras of people who dared… to take a leak in their precious waters, and consuming them.

The majority of scientists believe that it is extremely unlikely for someone to find themselves in such a situation, but there has been one reported case of a man who had a Candiru fish become lodged in his urethra and was forced to undergo surgery in order to remove the fish from the delicate area. Keep your pants on if you want to be safe!


Red-Bellied Piranha

You’ve heard this species’ name mentioned a couple of times so far, but it was in the context of another species that was actually eating them for lunch at the time. A school of piranhas, on the other hand, is something to be afraid of, and it is one of the primary reasons why you should never leave your boat while traveling through the Amazon.

When it comes to this species, the fact that they swim in large groups is more of an understatement than anything else. Despite their small size (they can grow up to 12 inches in length), these scavengers never hunt alone. Just imagine a school of about forty piranha swimming around peacefully until they detect food and begin to prepare their interlocking teeth for the feast ahead of them. Speaking of teeth, the lower and upper jaws of a Piranha are both packed with razor-sharp teeth that are extremely painful to the touch.

The majority of the time, especially in Hollywood movies, this species is depicted as being reliant on feeding frenzy to sustain itself. In particular, we’re talking about those scenes in which someone or something (preferably meat) has been thrown into the water, causing it to become extremely agitated and bubbly, a sign that they have begun their feast.

But this only happens when the Piranhas are starved or provoked, and neither of these conditions exist. Nonetheless, you should avoid bringing your fishing boots or any other extremely durable fishing clothing, as they will almost certainly be ripped off if you come across a school of Piranha while fishing. Keep your distance from the water!