
Catching Crappie in Early Spring

Spawning fish are the easiest to catch, which is why so many anglers choose early spring as the best time to enjoy their favorite sport. If you are interested in catching crappie, early spring is an excellent time of year to do so, but there are a few considerations to keep in mind. According to the experts, you should pay close attention to the spawning phases of the crappie life cycle in order to achieve the best results. Crappie go into a feeding frenzy once the water temperatures reach the optimal levels for breeding to take place, and you must be prepared to bring the fish home. Once the spring weather arrives, here are some excellent tips for crappie fishing.


How to catch crappie in the pre-spawn period

Just before crappies begin to spawn, you can catch a large number of them without having to wait for their feeding frenzy as they prepare the next generation. You will need to be familiar with the behavior of this species in order to accomplish this. Crappies will prefer river outlets, creek mouths, and the vicinity of large coves, to name a few of their preferred habitats. Remember to purchase a sonar to assist you in locating fish.

The fish can be found at a variety of depths, depending on the current temperature. Using multiple rods during the pre-spawn season is a good strategy to employ during this time. Make sure not to tangle your lines, and remember that crappies are attracted to a variety of different colored tube jigs, which will entice them to reach for your bait. Place the jigs over the areas where your sonar picked up on the presence of the fish. As the fish becomes more active, make sure to carefully adjust the speed of the boat. Crappies become more active as the water temperature rises, and you should be able to keep up with their speed.


Things to take into consideration during the spawning period

You can go crappie fishing in a lake or a river, but if you want to be successful, you must first understand the behavior of fish. Because the fish are more interested in feeding and less cautious than usual during the spawning period, it is a very fruitful time for anglers. Typically, spawning fish are found at depths of 3 to 7 feet, but if you are fishing in cold mountain waters, you may be able to find them at depths of 12 to 14 feet.

Take into consideration that crappies will prefer to spawn their young in areas that are protected from the elements. This means that you’ll find them in and around brush piles, weedy areas, boat docks, and other structures that provide the fish with the cover that they require.

As the temperature rises, fish begin to experience the usual excitement of spawning, which causes them to swim closer to the surface, where they can be easily caught with a 10-12 foot rod. Shallow waters are preferred by spawning fish because they warm up more quickly and provide the most favorable conditions for this activity.

If you choose to fish in shallow water, all you have to do is keep an eye out for the fish. Crappies will swim so close to the surface that it will be easy to see their tails as they move about the water. Because visibility is less than ideal in the early spring, this is a sign that can be used to your advantage. Moving slowly around will assist you in locating the fish, which you can then catch with the aid of a long fishing rod. During the pre-spawn period, use the same tube jigs that you would for crappie fishing.


There are still chances to catch crappie during the post-spawn period

Crappies will continue on their journey towards drop-offs as the excitement associated with the spawning period fades away. Some of these spots can be as deep as 8 feet, while others can be even deeper, reaching depths of 25 feet. This period has the advantage of crappies being famished after spending all of their energy on reproduction, which is a significant advantage. Shad schools are their preferred companions because they are a major source of food for crappies and are therefore preferred by them. Continue to employ jigs, but do not overlook the importance of minnows. If jigs fail, they are a good alternative.