
Best Sturgeon Recipes

There are over 25 species of fish belonging to the Acipenseridae family that go by the name of sturgeon, and their existence dates back more than 200-250 million years. Sturgeon is the common name for these fish. They are a long-lived and extremely late-maturing species of fish, which is why their meat is considered a delicacy in many cultures.

Because of their long reproductive cycles and lengthy migrations, they are among the most vulnerable fish in the ocean. They are also extremely sensitive to changes in the environment, and cannot tolerate polluted water or temperatures that are too high or too low, among other things. The unfortunate fact is that, according to some official statistics, more than 85 percent of the sturgeon species are now considered to be in danger of becoming extinct.

Although they once inhabited almost all of the world’s waters, and fishermen would catch them using surf fishing combos (for more information, check out this post), the only places where wild sturgeons can still be found in Europe are in Romania and Bulgaria (for more information, check out this post). Unfortunately, sturgeons have been hunted for a long time because their meat and eggs are considered delectable. Sturgeon eggs are used to produce the world-famous Beluga caviar, which is sold as an exclusive delicacy at exorbitant prices to the wealthy.

Despite this, sturgeon populations can be successfully raised in captivity if the appropriate environmental conditions are provided. As a result, sturgeon meat is still available for purchase at specialized fish markets and fine dining establishments around the world.

Despite the fact that there are numerous delectable sturgeon recipes to try, we must insist on only purchasing certified sturgeon from licensed breeders and sellers. Keep in mind that this is an endangered species, and that fishing for them in most bodies of water is prohibited by federal law. As a result, make certain that your fish comes from certified breeders rather than from illegal poaching activities. If your fish comes from a reputable source, you may proceed to try some or all of the recipes in the section that follows.


Smoked sturgeon with garlic bread

Despite the fact that it appears to be a straightforward dish, it is one of the most sophisticated because it requires a significant amount of time to prepare, which includes smoking the sturgeon. Those who already own a dry smoker will find this to be a relatively simple process, provided they have the patience to wait.

Please keep in mind that dry smokers should be preheated prior to putting your fish in them, and that the temperatures should be kept lower than for other types of meat or vegetables. The ideal temperature for smoking sturgeon and other types of fish such as trout is between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with no temperature exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The temperature at which the fish is smoked, as well as the size of the fish, influence the smoking process.

If you want your sturgeon to be heavily smoked, it could take as little as one to two days or as long as a month, depending on how much time you are willing to put in. Take note that a properly smoked sturgeon can be eaten raw, whereas a sturgeon that has only been smoking for a few hours or days will require additional cooking methods in order to be served.

If you have the option, we recommend that you use natural wood smokers rather than those made of metal or hard shells, unless otherwise specified. This will allow the natural flavors of the wood to blend with the sturgeon’s meat, resulting in an even more delicious piece of meat. You can smoke your sturgeon on its own, or you can combine it with other ingredients to enhance the flavors and the overall taste.

In Europe, there are certain national delicacies that call for smoking sturgeon for 10-14 days, which are mostly found in the form of smoked fir or pine. Following complete smoking of the sturgeon, it is removed from the savin fir and placed on a serving platter. It is served with a salsa made of tomatoes and minced garlic, as well as garlic toasted bread, as an accompaniment.


Marinated sturgeon kebabs

As a fan of Oriental cuisine, you must undoubtedly appreciate the variety of spices and flavors that come from the use of fresh aromatic plants. You may also enjoy kebabs made from sheep or chicken meat. But did you know that you can make delectable kebabs out of any type of meat, vegetable, or fruit, and even fish such as sturgeon, depending on your preferences?

What we liked about sturgeon kebabs, and fish kebabs in general, is that they have fewer calories and are lighter for you, which can help you watch your weight or create a healthy, balanced, and nutritious diet if you are trying to lose weight. So, how do you go about preparing these delectable kebabs?

Needless to say, you’ll need skewers as well as a plethora of fresh spices and herbs, as well as some small chunks of sturgeon fish. After obtaining your sturgeon, you should cut it into small chunks and marinate it for a few hours in a mixture of salt, pepper, lime juice, rosemary, thyme, and mint for a flavor that is unique. You can substitute ginger for the rosemary if you want an even more pungent flavor.

After the sturgeon meat has been perfectly marinated, thread the chunks of meat onto skewers, either alone or with your favorite vegetables. Zucchini, cherry tomatoes, and red onions are some of the vegetables we recommend. Preheat the grill to medium heat and cook the fish kebabs for a few minutes on each side, or until they are moist and slightly crispy on both sides. Remove the kebabs from the grill and set them aside for a few minutes.

Depending on your preferences, you can serve this delectable dish on its own or with baked potatoes or French fries alongside it. Preheat the oven to 400°F. Bake the potatoes until golden brown and sprinkle with oregano salt, while serve the French fries as is. A Greek yogurt, mint, and lemon juice salsa or a tomato and minced garlic salsa can be served as a finishing touch.


Caviar appetizers

Choose one of the most expensive ingredients on the planet, the Beluga caviar, if you truly want to impress your guests and provide an exquisite culinary experience for them. This is primarily found in the waters of the Black Sea, in the same countries as the previous one, Romania and Bulgaria. Beluga caviar, on the other hand, is not inexpensive, even if you are a local. However, if your budget does not allow for such extravagance, here is a quick and easy way to serve delectable appetizers.

Make your traditional Mediterranean bruschettas a little more interesting by serving them with caviar on the side. To make delectable bruschettas, you’ll need some French bread, extra virgin olive oil, minced garlic, fresh basil and mint leaves, and, of course, the desired Beluga caviar, to name a few ingredients.

Toast the bread for a few minutes, then brush the bread with olive oil to prevent it from drying out. Toss in the thinly sliced tomatoes and minced garlic, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste, and serve immediately. Add some Beluga caviar on top and finish with a basil leaf for decoration. You can also drizzle a few drops of balsamic vinegar on top to give it a little extra flavor.

If you want to use caviar on your bruschettas but don’t want to make a sandwich, you can combine the caviar with fresh butter or cream cheese and eat it like a sandwich. A very expensive sandwich, to be sure.


Regular sturgeon salad

In order to create a low-calorie dish that is also beautiful and delicious, all you have to do is pair sturgeon with the appropriate combination of vegetables and you will have a divine salat without exerting any effort.

Prepare the sturgeon according to your preferences by grilling, baking or poaching it and serving it with a salad of celery, apple, nuts and lettuce. There are several other delicious combinations, including radish, lettuce, and onion, spring onions, lettuce, spinach, and cherry tomatoes, among others. Use a carefree vinaigrette made of balsamic vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper as well as oregano or rosemary to dress the salad.


Vinegar-poached sturgeon with delicious sauce

And last, but certainly not least, if you prefer more traditional cooking methods, you simply must try this delectable sturgeon recipe with melted butter. As the preparation, cutting, cook, and serving of the ingredients will take approximately two hours on average, we recommend that you serve this recipe at formal dinners or family celebrations.

A feature of this recipe that we liked was that, while it appears complicated, it only requires a few common ingredients and will deliver a touch of elegance and lavishness without requiring a large investment in time or money or using ingredients from faraway lands. Having said that, without further ado, here is what you will need: To make the dish: four sliced medium zucchini, two tablespoons of softened butter, one teaspoon of chopped thyme, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, a sliced medium shallot or red onion, three tablespoons red wine vinegar, drained capers, and garnish leaves.

Start by preheating the oven and seasoning the zucchinis to your liking with salt and pepper. Place them in a large cooking pot and allow them to stand for approximately one hour. It will then be necessary to blend the butter, thyme, salt, and pepper together until they form a homogeneous paste, as shown in the picture.

Lay out your zucchini slices on a baking sheet and drizzle with about two tablespoons of olive oil, or even more if you’ve got more than four zucchinis. Cook the zucchinis for approximately 30 minutes, or until they are golden brown. Put them on a serving platter.

Sprinkle the sturgeon with vinegar and place it in the refrigerator for approximately ten minutes. After that, combine the remaining vinegar with the water and bring the mixture to a boil. Season the sturgeon fillets with freshly ground salt and pepper before gently folding them in. Pour in the liquid and cook on low heat for about eight to ten minutes, then remove them from the liquid and place them on a plate.

Cook the sturgeon fillets in the remaining olive oil in a separate cooking pan until they are golden brown on both sides, and then arrange them on top of the cooked zucchinis. The capers, thyme butter, and shallot should all be combined with the remaining sauce before being seasoned with salt and pepper once more. Pour the sauce over your plate and serve immediately while it is still warm.