
Best Simple Fish Recipes

Despite the fact that fish is a nutritious alternative to meat-based dishes, some people are hesitant to consume it on a regular basis because they believe it is difficult to prepare. The simple recipes that follow will persuade you that it is possible to prepare fish dishes in a short amount of time and with minimal effort.


Grilled sardines

This recipe from Portugal demonstrates how simple it can be to prepare fish. Eight gutted sardines, two tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil, three cloves of diced garlic, one tablespoon of smoked paprika, the zest of half a lemon, a few sprigs of rosemary, and one finely chopped red chili are all you’ll need to make this dish.

Combine all of the ingredients (except the sardines) in a large mixing bowl and season to taste. Allow for several hours of resting time after adding the sardines and making sure they are completely covered with the mixture (this is important). Preheat a barbecue or a griddle pan over medium heat and grill the sardines for a few minutes on both sides. Serve with lemon wedges and a drizzle of olive oil and smoked paprika for flavoring on top if desired.


  Salmon Teriyaki

If you’re in the mood for a Japanese dish, this is one of the most straightforward options you can try out at home. While you may believe that Japanese cuisine is overly complicated, if you look at this recipe, you will see that this is not the case. The secret is in the sauce, and we will show you exactly how to make it right here and now.

It is necessary to have four salmon fillets, as well as 1/2 cup sake, a quarter-cup rice wine, a quarter-cup soy sauce, salt, and vegetable oil to complete the recipe. As you might expect, the Teriyaki sauce is made by combining sake, rice wine, and soy sauce in a blender until well combined. Season the fillets with salt and cook them in a pan of vegetable oil that has been poured into it.

Remove the salmon fillets from the pan and pour the fat from the pan into a colander. Cook for about 4 minutes on medium heat, stirring constantly, until the Teriyaki sauce has reduced by half, adding more if necessary. Cook the salmon fillets for two minutes, basting them with the sauce, before adding them back to the pan. You’ll notice that the sauce is becoming syrupy. Rice, noodles, and salads are some of the best meal combinations.


Poached trout with olive oil

It’s hard to imagine anything more straightforward than that when it comes to preparing a quick fish recipe, with the exception of donning a fishing hat of course! This recipe calls for four trout fillets, olive oil, lemon wedges, and salt, among other ingredients. Cook the fillets in a skillet with just enough olive oil to cover them. The key to making this recipe perfect is to heat the oil to 160 degrees Fahrenheit before beginning to cook it.

When the desired temperature has been reached, slide the fillets into the pan and cook for approximately three minutes on each side. After that, place them on a baking sheet and pat them dry with paper towels to remove any excess fat. Pour a little lemon zest over the fillets and season with salt and pepper to taste. Typically, this dish is served with lemon wedges, which can be used to squeeze additional lemon juice over the fish if desired.


Crispy fish

This recipe can be made with a variety of different types of fish. Mackerel is a popular choice, but other fish such as red snapper or salmon can also be used. The key to making this recipe is to allow the fish fillets to chill in the refrigerator for a few hours so that the skin becomes a little dry. Remove the fillets from the refrigerator and season them with salt on both sides after they have been resting.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan over high heat until shimmering, then add the fillets, skin side down, to the pan. Using a spatula, press down on the fish skin to prevent it from curling up. Allow the fish to cook for three minutes on one side before flipping the fillets to the other side. Serve the vinaigrette-dressed crispy fish on a bed of greens.


Fish with spinach

Yummy and simple to prepare, this dish takes less than an hour to prepare and is ready in less than 30 minutes. You’ll need about 4 fish fillets (red snapper, tilapia, sole, or cod), 1 cup of rice, 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter, 2 cloves of garlic (sliced), 1 cup of white wine (dry is preferred), 1 can of diced tomatoes, 1 package of baby spinach, 1 tablespoon of tarragon (chopped), salt, and pepper to prepare this dish.

To begin, prepare the rice. Prepare the sauce in a saucepan by first melting the butter and frying the garlic slices in it for about one minute, until they are fragrant. Add the wine, the drained tomato pieces, as well as salt and pepper to taste, and stir well to combine. Allow the sauce to simmer for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until it becomes thick.

In the meantime, place the fish and spinach in a pan and bake them in a preheated oven until the fish is opaque and the spinach leaves are wilted, about 10 to 15 minutes total. Place the fish, spinach, and rice on plates and drizzle the sauce over the top of everything.


Lemon butter fish

This recipe does not necessitate the presence of a culinary student in order to be successful. Prepare four fish fillets (at least one inch thick, and creamy white fish is preferred) with three tablespoons of melted butter, the zest of one lemon, one tablespoon of paprika, one tablespoon of garlic powder, one tablespoon of onion powder, three tablespoons of olive oil, basil or parsley leaves, lemon slices, salt, and pepper. Serve immediately.

Prepare two mixing bowls, one for the seasonings and one for the sauce. In one bowl, combine the butter, lemon zest, and salt; in the other, combine all of the other ingredients, with the exception of the fish and olive oil, and set aside. Each fillet must be pressed into each combination on both sides in order to achieve complete coverage of the mixture.

Use the olive oil for frying instead of cooking. Cook the fish fillets on both sides in a hot pan over medium heat until they are a beautiful golden brown color, about 10 minutes total. Avoid overcooking, as this will result in a tough texture that will not melt in your mouth when you bite into it. When it comes to choosing the fish to use, it doesn’t matter what the landing net brings to the shore; as long as it has a creamy white texture, it is a good choice.

The key to making this recipe absolutely delicious is to thoroughly dry the fillets before cooking them. Serve with lemon slices and a sprinkle of parsley or basil on top, if desired.