
Best Fishing Locations in Victoria, Australia

Victorian anglers are well-known for their ability to enjoy their favorite sport on a diverse range of freshwater and saltwater bodies of water throughout the state of Victoria. There is no shortage of places to cast a line in Victoria, and you will be pleased to learn that many of these locations are in close proximity to tourist-oriented amenities that will make your trip even more pleasant.



The Murray River
Here you will find the fabled Murray cod, as well as a large number of friendly fishermen looking for adventure in the same way that you are. In addition to the highly regarded local cod, those who travel to the tributaries in the upper region of the river will have the opportunity to fish for trout. If you’re looking for a trophy fish, try catching a giant Murray cod.


Lake Hume

Murray cod, as well as Redfin and perch, can be found in abundance in this vast body of water. Bait fishing is a popular activity in this area, and you can choose to either rent a boat and fish from the water or cast your line from the shore. The possibility of pulling a trophy-sized golden perch out of the water is very real for some anglers.


Mulawa Lake

Lake Mulawa is another popular fishing spot for Murray cod. Cod are abundant in this area during the summer months, so it would be simple for you to catch enough to bring back to your home and show off to your friends when you return. There are also a lot of golden perch fish in this area.


Blue Rock Lake

Because of its close proximity to Willow Grove, a charming rural town, this fantastic fishing spot in Victoria is a popular choice among tourists. Large brown trout, as well as Redfin, can be caught in this area. In addition, you might pick up some new fly fishing techniques while you’re here.


Avon River

Go to the Avon River if you’re the type of angler who doesn’t care much about the species of fish that ends up on his or her hook and prefers to have a diverse selection of fish to choose from. This hot spot, which is close to Stratford, is well-known for having large populations of Redfin, bass, grayling, and eel, among other species.



If you travel to the southern region of Gippsland, you will come across a beautiful seaside location where fishing is a way of life for the locals. Whether you’re looking for salmon, trevally, or mullet, this is the place to go. It’s a great place to try something new. There are numerous fishing platforms available, so you will not have a difficult time catching fish here.


Goulburn River

You’ll find another fantastic trout fishing spot deep in the heart of the High Country if you look hard enough. The Goulburn River is a haven for this species, and bank fishing is a simple and enjoyable activity here. This is the place to go if you want a virtually guaranteed catch.


Lake Eildon

Lake Eildon, located not far from Melbourne, is widely regarded as a true angler’s paradise due to the abundance of fish found there. Many freshwater fisheries with a diverse range of species appear here year after year, ensuring that you’ll have plenty of opportunities to catch something. Are you interested in learning about the most common species? Rainbow, brown, and perch, as well as Murray cod, are abundant.


Mountain Fresh Trout and Salmon Farm

Travel to Harrietville to discover the Mountain Fresh Trout and Salmon Farm, which is situated in a picturesque setting. The opportunity to catch a fish to take home will be available to even the most inexperienced anglers.


The Wimmera River

Go to the Wimmera River if you want to get away from the bylaws that govern what can and cannot be kept. Keeping two catfish over 30 cm in length is legal in Horsham, so you will be able to enjoy more than just the satisfaction of catching fish.


Lake Bellfield

The Grampians, which tower above Lake Bellfield, provide a breathtaking backdrop to the scene. When you come to enjoy the beautiful scenery, don’t forget to bring your fishing gear, as there are plenty of trout and Redfin swimming around in these waters.


Toolondo Reservoir

Visiting the Toolondo Reservoir in Horsham is a great option if you want to get away from the crowds and see something different from what the rest of the city has to offer. Veteran anglers know that this is the spot where they can pull trophy-sized browns and rainbows out of the water in a single cast.


Lake Eppalock

Lake Eppalock can be found not far from Bendigo, and it is a popular tourist destination. Tourists come to this destination to relax and enjoy a low-key vacation. There are plenty of trout, perch, redfin, and Murray cod to be had when it comes to fishing.


Cairn Curran Reservoir

The Cairn Curran Reservoir is a fantastic source of golden perch, carp, and eel, as well as many other species. Apart from fishing, you can enjoy a variety of other enjoyable activities at this location, which includes a picnic and barbeque area that has been specifically designated.


Lake Wendouree

Ballarat is a city in Victoria that is close to Lake Wendouree and has a rich history. You can make the city your home base and then explore everything the surrounding area has to offer. Because of the large population of brown trout in this area, fly-fishing is a popular recreational activity, and there are numerous championships held in this area.


Werribee River

Because the river is located within Werribee Park, you will be able to combine a variety of vacationing pleasures while you are visiting. These waters are teeming with red fin, black fish, and trout, and you will have a great time bank fishing to your heart’s content.


The Lederberg River

Take a short drive from Melbourne to this location, which is renowned for its distinctive landscape, to read. The lake is carved into sandstone, and the views from this location are spectacular. The lush vegetation that surrounds you will give you the impression that you are in paradise. Tourists can gain access to the area through a few points.


Tuki Trout Farm

Even if you are a complete novice, you will catch something if you go to the Tuki Trout Farm, which is located not far from Daylesford, Victoria, Australia. The ponds are teeming with trout, and you can enjoy the trout you catch in the form of delectable recipes created by the chefs who have been hired to prepare them.


Apollo Bay

After traveling for some time along the coast, you will arrive at Apollo Bay, where you can expect to catch salmon, trevally, mullet, and possibly even barracuda. Depending on the time of year, you can cast your line for a variety of different fish species.


Narrawong Beach

If you enjoy beach fishing, you will find this location to be an excellent location for your endeavor. Beyond salmon, the waters of the Pacific Northwest are abundant with gummy sharks, so be prepared to have the adventure of a lifetime.


Port Phillip Bay

If you happen to be visiting the Mornington Peninsula, make sure to set aside some time to go fishing in Port Phillip Bay. A unique event known as the Crimson Tide, which is the name given to the annual migration of snapper fish, can be witnessed in this location.


Phillip Island

Phillip Island is best known as the site of the annual penguin parade, but the island has much more to offer than just penguins and parades. Anglers can choose from a variety of locations to cast their line in search of salmon, squid, or other species of fish.


Buxton Trout and Salmon Farm

There is yet another generous fishery that you can visit, this one located in the heart of the Yarra Valley. The Buxton Trout and Salmon Farm was established in 1958 and was the first trout farm in the entire country to open its doors. The farm, which is located on the Steavenson River, provides the ideal setting for catching a fish.


Meeting of the Waters

Seasoned anglers may prefer to cast their lines in different locations. Unlike beginners, who may be content with simply catching something, experienced anglers require more challenge in order to fully enjoy their favorite pastime. They will find the Meeting of the Waters to be the ideal location. The Steavenson River joins the Acheron River and Little Acheron at this point, forming an ideal fishing spot for experienced fishermen and women.