
Best Fishing Destinations For Marlin And Sailfish

Any dedicated billfish angler would relish the opportunity to spend a fishing vacation in some of the world’s best Marlin fishing destinations. Simply pack your belongings and book a flight to one of these Marlin and Sailfish fishing destinations to begin your adventure.



Among the most well-known fishing destinations in North and Central America is Panama, which has some of the best fishing in the world. Panama is accessible by nonstop flights from a number of cities in the southern United States, including Newark, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, and New Jersey, among others, and is only a short flight away. Anglers typically spend the night in Panama City after arriving, before embarking on a 4-hour ground transfer to Cebaco or a 5-hour ground transfer to Pedasi.

Aside from the Wyndham Grand Veneto Hotel and Casino, which is known as the “Fisherman’s Hotel,” fishing tourists can also stay at the Marriott, Trump Tower, Sheraton, and Miramar Intercontinental, which are all located near the water. Despite the fact that an increasing number of anglers are opting to spend a half day in nearby Gatun Lake fishing for tarpon, snook, and peacock bass, Panama continues to be one of the best Marlin fishing destinations in the world, according to the International Marlin Federation.

Tropical Star Lodge in Pias Bay is known for its black marlin fishing, with Captains using live bait to target Black, Striped, and Blue Marlins along the world-famous Zane Grey Reef. Anglers will be guaranteed to hit a grand slam with the abundance of lures and dead bait spread throughout the area.

If you are a dedicated billfish angler, you will undoubtedly enjoy deep jigging and popping around the same Tuna Coast hotspots that also attract Marlins.

The western section of the coast, which extends all the way to Cebaco Island, has retained its natural beauty and is a premier inshore fishing destination. Known for its competitive and aggressive game fish, Panama is home to a variety of species that can wreck poppers or even put your strength to the test with a buttoned-down drag.

Aguja Reef, located 5 miles due west of Roncador and marking the end of the Tuna Coast Marlin Chain, is a popular destination for marlin anglers. Despite the fact that this location is no larger than a football field, it has a higher Marlin catch rate when compared to other locations along the Tuna Coast.

Because of the large number of black marlins that can be caught in a day, it is possible to release as many as ten of them in a single day. It is common to find multiple hookups in a single location. In terms of productivity, the location easily competes with Hannibal Bank and Pias Bay. In order to maximize your chances of catching fish, you’ll want to bring along an unlimited supply of baitfish. The presence of blue water and a strong current are also essential for success.

Another fantastic location is Islote Roncador, which is distinguished by its distinctive Rock of Gibraltar shape. Despite its reputation as a cubera snapper and wahoo hotspot, Roncador has also proven to be a productive sailfish and black marlin fishing destination.

Just off the coast of Punta Mariato is a world-class marlin hole where black marlin are consistently caught and released. Using butterfly jigging and casting techniques, you can catch the catch of your life and be handsomely compensated for your efforts.

One more place to go marlin fishing is Morro de Puercos, where schools of bait tend to congregate on the flats, making it a popular spot. Blue water is required in order to get a marlin bite going.

Frailes del Sur, Volcan, Media Luna, and Isla Iguana are some of the other billfishing locations worth visiting in the area.



Guatemala is also home to some of the most productive sailfishing grounds on this side of the world. It has gained international renown for having one of the highest billfish concentrations available all year round, particularly for Pacific Sailfish, and for this reason. Marlins are being released in record numbers, which contributes to the abundant sailfish angling that occurs each month of the year. There are also large populations of yellowfin tuna, dorado, roosterfish, and a variety of inshore species to be found in the area.

Guatemala holds the conventional and fly fishing world records, as well as the record for the greatest number of sailfish released in a single day. Simply put, the Pacific Coast of Guatemala is a well-documented billfishing hotspot with a long history.

If you look at the topography of Guatemala’s coast, you will notice that it has a structure that resembles a giant bay. Flowing east to west, strong currents originate on the Mexican coast and turn around once they reach the coast of El Salvador. The currents then create a massive, naturally occurring eddy, which is teeming with bait and pelagic fish in abundance. Aside from that, there are large numbers of billfish and numerous other sport fishing species to be found.

Scientists have conducted extensive research along the Guatemalan coast and have come to the conclusion that it may be the world’s largest breeding ground for Pacific Sailfish due to the large number of sailfish present. Despite the fact that you can catch sailfish all year, the best time to catch them is from November to May. The use of circle hooks and the practice of catch-and-release fishing help to protect the country’s fishery.

Anglers can also take advantage of the abundant billfish population by targeting tuna, Black, Blue, and Striped marlin as well as dorado and other species. Furthermore, Guatemala is known for its productive inshore fishing, which includes snapper, jack crevalle, roosterfish, and a variety of other fish species. Clear water and a high tide are two of the most important factors to consider.

Guatemala has no fishing pressure at all, which is a rarity in the world. In contrast to many other bluewater destinations, Guatemala’s sport fishing fleet is small compared to other destinations.

Sailfish can be caught all year long, with weights ranging from 80 to 120 pounds and sizes ranging from 80 to 120 pounds. The best time to catch sailfish is from November to April. During the summer months, a large number of sailfish are caught and released. The rainy season in this region lasts from May to September. However, it only rains for an hour or two at a time during the night, which does not interfere with the fishing experience. When compared to what many other bluewater destinations have to offer during their peak seasons, Guatemala’s summer season is superior.

Fishing for Pacific Blue, Black, and Striped Marlin is possible all year long, with sizes ranging from 200 to 500 pounds for the larger species. Apart from dorado, yellowfin tuna, jacks, roosterfish, and other species, there are a variety of others.



The Pacific Coast of Mexico has long been recognized as a destination for excellent sport fishing opportunities. However, there is no doubt that the scenic Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo region is the angler’s jackpot, as this is where the big fish can be caught. In addition to being the best-kept secret on the Mexican Pacific Coast, Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo is a dual destination that is highly regarded by fishermen who are in the know. For countless decades, it has been recognized as one of the most productive habitats on the planet for the world’s largest game fish. Anglers here have higher success rates than they do anywhere else in the world.

Sailfish, the primary game fish for the majority of the year, can weigh up to 175 pounds and have an average weight of 75 to 100 pounds on average. It is possible for Blue and Black Marlin to weigh between 250 and 500 pounds. Anglers should prepare themselves for a ferocious and protracted battle.


Cabo San Lucas

It’s possible to catch anything from a small Sierra mackerel to a massive Blue Marlin when you cast a lure or fly into the waters off Cabo San Lucas. Because of its popularity and acclaim, this location has been referred to as “the greatest fish trap on the plane” for years. On a more realistic note, it would be an exaggeration to claim that all species are available for catching on a consistent basis. Keep things interesting, however, is exactly what the approximately 20 species of blue water fighters are doing, from skipjack to yellowfin tuna, bonito to marlin, ladyfish, and jack crevalle, to name a few examples.



Miami and Miami Beach have long been recognized as premier marlin fishing destinations in the world, thanks to their ability to provide an exhilarating experience. Even if you are not specifically targeting Marlin and are instead casting for sailfish, sharks, and other South Florida fish, you can catch them.

The Blue Marlin is one of the most difficult fish to fight at sea. It is possible to catch them in Miami’s waters, especially during the summer months, even though they are not commonly caught off the coast of South Florida. During the fall and spring months, marlin can be spotted and caught. Marlins are well-known fighters, but fishing for them is an exhilarating experience. The Blue Marlin has a weight range of 250 to 1,000 pounds, depending on the species. It is the northeast wind and cold fronts that create the ideal conditions for Sailfishing in Miami, according to experts.



Billfish have many seasons, and the oceanic waters around Kadavu Island promote the production of the species, particularly Blue Marlin. These can be caught at any time of year. The blues will be found in the same areas where the tuna fish are found.

During the months of October and November, the Blue Marlin fishing can be relatively quiet at times. Having said that, when the warm summer current comes in during the yellowfin tuna’s summer run will determine whether or not this is the case.

During the summer months of December to May, the best weather conditions exist for Blue Marlin fishing with heavy offshore tackle. Despite the fact that the best months to catch Black Marlin are August and September, it is possible to catch them in March. Striped Marlin make brief appearances in August and September when water temperatures fall below 25 degrees Fahrenheit, which is when they are most active. In April and May, a few juvenile Striped Marlin are caught, but the majority are adults.

In the months of May to October, large Pacific sailfish congregate around coral reefs, where they can be caught with light tackle equipment. The majority of them are between 50 and 80 pounds in weight. It is possible to catch blue marlin using skip baits, trolling lures, or live bait. Blue marlin can weigh between 150 and 1,000 pounds and can be caught using any method. The best time to go after the big Blue Marlins is from January to March.


New Zealand

In terms of large numbers of fish, New Zealand may not be as well-known as other fishing destinations, despite the fact that it has a similar abundance. However, what the destination lacks in terms of sheer numbers, it more than makes up for in terms of sheer size. 300-pounders can be seen on a regular basis, which is not surprising. This is unquestionably the best location for trophy hunting. Striped Marlin can be found in New Zealand on occasion, and they can weigh more than 400 pounds.

The fishery in New Zealand is distinguished by the country’s geographical location. The country is characterized by a long, narrow landmass, which is particularly noticeable in the North Island region. That is where the majority of the fishing takes place. Because a lee side is usually present, fishing can be done off both coasts of New Zealand.

This is critical because the weather can be unpredictable, just as the fishing can be unpredictable, in this area of the country. In order to take advantage of those easily changing conditions, most fishermen prefer to fish from small trailer boats, which allow them to fish one side of the coast one day and the other side the next day.